Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Note to self

Just a little note to self; one day when we have a nice Master Bathroom with a decent tub I want to buy about 3 or 4 cool looking glass bottles of the same shape but different sizes. I want to buy bubble bath soap, Bath oil, bath salt, and bath fizzies and display them in the pretty glass bottles. I do need to find those 4 bath products of similar color just so it does not look tacky and matches with our color scheme.

Also here are some things I also would like to buy for my baths;
1. Bath Powder (has roses imported from Bulgaria in it :))
2. A nice bath pillow
3. Body Butter

I lovee baths and really miss being able to take one (we have no tub in our bathroom)

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Our ward is having a Fiesta and Since Jeffrey and myself are on Activities I offered to make the Invitations. I was extremely excited because I got a chance to experiment with photoshop and that is basically how I made them. I have to admit, trying to make things go smooth for Church activities is the hardest. I can't even tell you how long it took me to get these things printed right lol I had fun though! :D

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

When we buy a house.....

So since we will be looking for a house soon, I've been thinking about what I want to do inside :). For the longest time I've imagined this bed & How it would look. Just yesterday I was watching HGTV & I saw their dream home I wanted to see all the decor so I went on their website. When I looked at the Master Bedroom and Saw the bed my Jaw Dropped because that was almost what I had envisioned. Mine is slightly different because I want to be able to actually Pull the Draperies closed so I attempted to Draw what the difference is. (Sorry for the ugly drawing)(& the colors are their just so you can tell what is what) I don't think it would be too hard to figure out & Build. The very top of the Canopy thing though would be connected to the Ceiling. So you could pretty much Ignore the top of the green part. The dashed lines represent the rods on the inside for the draperies. As much as I want it to slide shut we will see what happens. But I'm super glad I actually have a real photo to look at now. What do you think???

Monday, January 5, 2009

2009 Calendar

Soo.. This was my first project of the year. Pretty simple yet a few things I dint like.. All really did was print my own calendar & put paper with print under each month. :) then laminated them. At the moment I'm using them as a fridge calendar.

Way to Start off 2009

So this most recent Christmas I received some wonderful things that can help me throughout this new year. I've been really excited to work on food storage so that's one of my plans for this year. Kellie got me some things to start off our food storage & I'm super excited to work on getting more food together. It may take a while but I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully this year we can find a house and I'll set aside more space for just food storage. (the house we are in now is already packed to the max with other things (at least storage wise).
Jeffrey got me a sewing machine & a die cut machine so I do hope to sew a lot as well as make cards & other things involving scrap booking. As soon as we get a house my first project will be draperies & I keep imagining how they will look. hahah!!
Yet another thing I hope to do a lot this year is cook & I need lots of practice. I don't know why but if I want to make something I have the hardest time finding a good recipe for it, so I end up making something up my self (as when I tried to make hot wings) I mean they don't turn out too bad but when I make something up its not too good either. :) I guess this blog is more for things I'm working on or doing so enjoy.. :)